Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Embroidery Digitizing

Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn. It may also incorporate other materials such as metal strips, pearls, beads, quills, and sequins. Much contemporary embroidery is stitched with a computerized embroidery machine using patterns "digitized" with embroidery software. In machine embroidery, different types of "fills" add texture and design to the finished work. The basic steps for creating embroidery with a computerized embroidery machine are as follows:

1. Purchase or create a digitized embroidery design file.

2. Edit the design and/or combine with other designs (optional).

3. Load the final design file into the embroidery machine.

4. Stabilize the fabric and place it in the machine.

5. Start and monitor the embroidery machine.

Machine embroidery is used to add logos and monograms to business shirts or jackets, gifts, and team apparel as well as to decorate household linens, draperies, and decorator fabrics that mimic the elaborate hand embroidery of the past.

Embroidery Digitizing design files can be either purchased or created with industry-specific embroidery digitizing software. Embroidery file formats broadly fall into two categories. The first, source formats, are specific to the software used to create the design. For these formats, the digitizer keeps the original file for the purposes of editing. The second, machine formats, are specific to a particular brand of embroidery machine. Here, the files are available for use with particular embroidery machines and are not easily edited or scaled.

Embroidery machines generally have one or more machine formats specific to their brand. Machine formats generally contain primarily stitch data (offsets) and machine functions (trims, jumps, etc.) and are thus not easily scaled or edited without extensive manual work. Many embroidery designs can be downloaded in popular machine formats from embroidery web sites. However, since not all designs are available for every machine's specific format, some machine embroiderers use conversion programs to convert from one machine's format file to another, with various degrees of reliability.

A person who creates a design is known as an embroidery digitizer or puncher. A digitizer uses software to create an object-based embroidery design, which can be easily reshaped and edited. These files retain important information such as object outlines, thread colours, and original artwork used to punch the designs. When the file is converted to a stitch file, it loses much of this information, rendering editing difficult or impossible. Software vendors often advertise auto-punching or auto-digitizing capabilities. However, if high quality embroidery is essential, then industry experts highly recommend either purchasing solid designs from reputable digitizers or obtaining training on solid digitization techniques.

Stitch Graphic Interchange is a known name in the provision of embroidery digitizing and vector conversion services.The prices being the best on the web i.e. $1 /1000 stitches for embroidery digitizing and vector conversion starting at $7.


  1. Embroidering Digitizing style data files can be either purchased or created with industry-specific embroidery digitizing application. Embroidering computer file types generally fall into two groups. The first, source types, are particular to the application used to create the style. For these types, the digitizer keeps the unique data declare the requirements of modifying. The second, device types, are particular to a particular brand of embroidery machine. Digitize Embroidery Designss

  2. What a great article, i just loved it and i loved to read it. Excellent thought author,i have bookmarked it.

  3. Embroidery digitizing work only one function to consider. Use the Internet to learn more about specific software on the market.Custom Embroidery Service

  4. Such kind of embroidery produced with the help of technology is called as digitizer embroidery.

  5. These are awesome! (I will not buy an embroidery machine, I will not buy an embroidery machine.

  6. Wow! I love the unfinished chalk marks and stains!

  7. You place order online for our high standard of Embroidery Service, Embroidery Punching, Logo Digitizing and Quality Embroidery Digitizing.

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